Georgia College & State University has been a partner of The Solution Design Group since 2013. During the partnership, the Auxiliary team at Georgia College has found RevenueVision® a powerful tool to consolidate all of their contracts, streamlining many things they previously did manually. More importantly, they have used the platform to manage revenue across their entire on-campus and off-campus retail network as well as for their vending agreements, as they work to reverse revenue declines due to a recent dip in enrollment.
- Needed a central way to manage all auxiliary contracts
- Needed a central repository of data and statistics to track revenue through their on-campus retail, off-campus retail, and vending agreements
- Needed to reverse auxiliary revenue declines caused by an underlying decline in student enrollment
- Used the RevenueVision® contract management tools to centralize management of activities, updates, terms and renewals for approximately 25 types of different auxiliary contracts with variation in terms, deliverables, deadlines and dates that were hard to track in Excel.
- Used the RevenueVision® business intelligence tools to trend sales at retail merchants and have direct conversations with 50% of retail network on opportunities to improve revenue generation and begin to reverse an 18% decline in retail sales based on declining student enrollment.
- Used the RevenueVision® business intelligence tools specifically to identify shorter operating hours as a primary cause of a $40,000 year-over-year sales decline at one of their lead retailers and to secure $7,000 in outstanding commissions from another vendor after using the BI tool to compare earnings to payments in an end-of-year true up.
To read the complete success story, download the PDF below.
White Paper:
Download: Proactive Vendor Management